Excellent 1942 Nazi Police, Spandau Depot Rig


Excellent 1942 Dated Nazi Police Rig. Very good 1942 dated Eagle L Accepted Banner Pistol, Excellent light Brown 1942 Police Holster, Excellent & rare unmarked blank Police style Haenel mag, Excellent Haenel Schmeisser SU4 (Spandau Depot) Police Mag, Excellent SU25 marked Spandau Depot Police tool. 

Very good original factory blue, Mauser Banner 1942 full four digit chamber marked, good grip straps, good bore, police sear safety installed, Police Eagle L accepted, very good unnumbered E/655 military accepted wood grips, all matching small parts.

Excellent unmarked, unscrubbed beautiful Haenel Magazine

Excellent Haenel Schmeisser Patent Magazine with unscrubbed, unnumbered SU4 accepted Police Magazine. 

Excellent SU25 marked Spandau Police Depot Loading Tool.

Excellent and Incredible Schambach & Co Berlin 1942 Police accepted Holster 

Exceptional Put together Rig of the best and rarest

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